Self love🤗

This isn’t right. It doesn’t fit at all. I can’t have that. I am better off like this.

I got the same thing but it doesn’t look the same on me.

choosing this or that is just a waste of time actually.

Making the choices I can’t seem to understand. What is the point?

I have to put this on just so I can get attention. The stares ?

No body likes me. No body cares about what I wear or don’t wear.

Am I invisible?what is going on?do I look good at all or is it just me acting up.

well, what do you think about this outfit on me? The hair? The dress? The shoe?

what about the makeup? Do I look like?????

You must first love yourself, love your look, love your body, love everything about about you before anyone can love you genuinely. Stop the comparison, stop loosing your self esteem over nothing.
you are beautiful the way you are. You deserve to be happy and yes you are worth every good thing in the world.

Just be yourself and continue to love yourself. You are unique in your own way.



Ants are eusocial insects of the family Formicidaeand, along with the related wasps and bees, belong to the order Hymenoptera.

Ants appear in the fossil record across the globe in considerable diversity during the latest Early Cretaceous and early Late Cretaceous, suggesting an earlier origin.

Ants are social insects. They have no ears but they feel vibrations. They work together to store up foods. Good team work I’ll say….

We are humans, most times we find it difficult working together to achieve a desired purpose.

Everyone wants to gain favour(favouritism).we are placed to work as a team but we work against our team just to be at the top even when it is not necessary.

Ponder on this, Ever wondered why ants once divided tend to gather together again??????????

Well, that’s because they believe in family, oneness, love, team work. Yes they do believe in *No matter the tribe we must work together to secure our future*

As Humans, we must love ourselves despite our different tribes, beliefs and culture. We must love ourselves as Christ loves us. We must learn to work as a team,as a family and live together in peace.

Motivation? Think Again.

We have choices to make. Everyday that passes by. It’s either a miss, or a fulfillment or even a loss or a win.

When we learn to appreciate the gifts we have no matter how small or big. We will get to understand what life is all about.

God has blessed each and everyone of us. What we do with the blessings from God is determined by us.

The dreams, the wishes, the thoughts, the experiences teach us something or somethings. The before and after has its own meaning.

We watch the bad eat up our works. We watch them step on our feets without feeling sorry. We see them take the milk from an infant.

We cry inside but yet we acknowledge that they do good. With loud praises and worship. We starve ourselves over and over and over again.

It hurts, it hurts, I can’t take it any more. What do I do? Help?????? no one hears you in your own mind. Other than yourself.

Speak for your Servant heareth Oh Lord. The time has come for us to return The milk to the new born. Grow in wisdom. Speak the truth. Walking in Integrity.


Do what makes you happy.

God is ready to fulfil all our hearts desires. He promised to bless us just as he blessed Abraham.

When you work according to the directives of Christ, you are living a fulfiled life.

If you obey the words and commandments of our Lord, you are living a life of fulfillment.

Being satisfied with yourself, the good you do and progress you are making is a step close to fulfilment.

Remember your dream as a child!!

when you had to prepare very well for your upcoming exams back in school, you read all through, day and night, trying to remember everything you’ve read on the exam day and after all that you made a good grade???

Well, that’s you fulfilling part of your dreams. To be a graduate and to focus on being a success. For everyone to be proud of you.

God has a purpose for us all, and we need to listen to him more, letting him guide us all the way through.

When you walk with the Lord, in the light of his word, what a glory he sheds on our way, when we do his good will, he abides with us still and with all, we will trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey……

God is working his purpose out in our lives and we need to open our eyes to see it, believe it and let God have his way.

BE BLESSED❣️❣️❣️❣️

Love quotes!!!!

Some times you can’t explain what you see in a person. Its just the way they take you to a place where no one else can.

Its all about the first person you wanna tell good news to.

Be with someone who will take care of you, not materialistically, but take care of your soul, your well-being, your heart and everything that’s you.

A person who truly loves you will never let you go or give up on you,No matter how hard the situation is.

Its so attractive when somebody says they want you, proves it and does everything in their power not to lose you. Keep that person.

If i had two hearts, i will fall for you twice.

How amazing it is to find someone who wants to hear all about the things that go on in your head.

I can’t help but always smile when i think of you. Making memories with you, is my favorite thing to do.

I am always tired, but never of you.i want a life with you.

With the right person, you don’t have to work so hard to be happy. It just happens.

You are the stars in my empty night sky.. .. . .i love you… . .

The world!!!!

I know the world seems ugly. I know there is a lot of pain that is attached to the bad decisions of others….it is very important that we stick together and love one another.

Jesus was all about love……

Lets stick together and believe that something wonderful will come out of this. That God will turn beauty for ashes.

Lets love one another without conditions,just as the father expected.

Lets embrace one another’s inner beauty and believe our love will shine through the darkness and ovee take the bad in the world.

Encourage and support one another. Spread the love and not the hate. Help those who are in need.

Be sincere at all times. Hate what is evil,cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love.

Honour one another above yourselves. Do not just read success stories, create one of your own.

Stop cheating on your future with your pasts, its over.

Be Ready!!!!

I can’t say this enough….

God is up to something.

This summer will be one to remember.

God is fulfiling promises and answering prayers this season! Change is coming.

Remain obedient and sensitive to the holy spirit.

This is a season of birthing.

Many of you are feeling the labour pains, but you are about to birth the promise! Push!!

And I pray that you eyes and hearts are open in this season..

I pray that you are ready when God releases your answers.

Pay close attention to what your spirit is saying….

God is ready to release, but Satan is ready to deceive.

Hold the fathers hand and listen closely. …. .. .

Everything will soon change….believe and be ready to receive. . .. .. . . .

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